[Valkyrie Realms 1] (53) 20:00:00 - 20:03:56 (0:03:56) 名前のない家 20:03:56 - 20:06:07 (0:02:11) WARES†BLADE 20:06:07 - 20:13:27 (0:07:20) La Vie en Rose 20:13:27 - 20:16:35 (0:03:08) ERO雑技団本部 20:16:35 - 20:18:46 (0:02:11) Crimson.Hellkite 20:18:46 - 20:21:33 (0:02:47) GLAD☆STAR _時の旋律_ 20:21:33 - 20:23:37 (0:02:04) \ノ'∀ン_ ヒャッホウ 20:23:37 - 20:26:26 (0:02:49) ☆sugar_kiss☆ 20:26:26 - 20:28:40 (0:02:14) 序章〜真の紋章使い達〜 20:28:40 - 20:32:30 (0:03:50) Sunny Side Up! 20:32:30 - 20:34:48 (0:02:18) Take it Easy 20:34:48 - 20:37:34 (0:02:46) ERO雑技団本部 20:37:34 - 20:39:23 (0:01:49) King 20:39:23 - 20:41:18 (0:01:55) ERO雑技団本部 20:41:18 - 20:43:01 (0:01:43) GLAD☆STAR _時の旋律_ 20:43:01 - 20:45:04 (0:02:03) ぽんこつわーくす 20:45:04 - 20:46:38 (0:01:34) \ノ'∀ン_ ヒャッホウ 20:46:38 - 20:53:15 (0:06:37) Freedom 20:53:15 - 20:54:40 (0:01:25) 常夏街道 20:54:40 - 20:56:14 (0:01:34) King 20:56:14 - 20:58:56 (0:02:42) GLAD☆STAR _時の旋律_ 20:58:56 - 21:00:28 (0:01:32) [wind_of_disguise] 21:00:28 - 21:02:31 (0:02:03) Crimson.Hellkite 21:02:31 - 21:04:07 (0:01:36) 雪降る街の夜想曲 21:04:07 - 21:06:47 (0:02:40) Freedom 21:06:47 - 21:08:31 (0:01:44) King 21:08:31 - 21:10:33 (0:02:02) LAST_KISS 21:10:33 - 21:13:03 (0:02:30) Freedom 21:13:03 - 21:14:59 (0:01:56) Crimson.Hellkite 21:14:59 - 21:16:21 (0:01:22) 雪降る街の夜想曲 21:16:21 - 21:18:29 (0:02:08) Ragnarok }{ot spring 21:18:29 - 21:20:40 (0:02:11) ウホッ イイ tサン 21:20:40 - 21:22:51 (0:02:11) トルメキア師団 21:22:51 - 21:24:26 (0:01:35) SHARON APPLE 21:24:26 - 21:25:58 (0:01:32) Crimson.Hellkite 21:25:58 - 21:27:40 (0:01:42) King 21:27:40 - 21:29:25 (0:01:45) Natural Life 21:29:25 - 21:31:21 (0:01:56) Abies firma 21:31:21 - 21:33:14 (0:01:53) King 21:33:14 - 21:34:47 (0:01:33) GLAD☆STAR _時の旋律_ 21:34:47 - 21:37:04 (0:02:17) WARES†BLADE 21:37:04 - 21:38:38 (0:01:34) Star island 21:38:38 - 21:40:17 (0:01:39) 雪降る街の夜想曲 21:40:17 - 21:41:59 (0:01:42) WARES†BLADE 21:41:59 - 21:44:18 (0:02:19) Abies firma 21:44:18 - 21:46:03 (0:01:45) ポリンレストラン 21:46:03 - 21:48:38 (0:02:35) GLAD☆STAR _時の旋律_ 21:48:38 - 21:50:18 (0:01:40) 雪降る街の夜想曲 21:50:18 - 21:51:52 (0:01:34) +終わりなき旅+ 21:51:52 - 21:53:31 (0:01:39) WARES†BLADE 21:53:31 - 21:55:32 (0:02:01) ぽんこつわーくす 21:55:32 - 21:57:02 (0:01:30) +終わりなき旅+ 21:57:02 - 21:59:12 (0:02:10) トルメキア師団 21:59:12 - 22:00:00 (0:00:48) King [Valkyrie Realms 2] (6) 20:00:00 - 20:05:29 (0:05:29) moonless night 20:05:29 - 20:09:32 (0:04:03) MELTY BLOOD 20:09:32 - 20:29:06 (0:19:34) Jelly Wing 20:29:06 - 20:31:38 (0:02:32) Crimson.Hellkite 20:31:38 - 21:48:01 (1:16:23) Brilliant World 21:48:01 - 21:54:48 (0:06:47) £Fantastic World£ 21:54:48 - 22:00:00 (0:05:12) η犬パラダイス [Valkyrie Realms 3] (62) 20:00:00 - 20:05:21 (0:05:21) alttycafe 20:05:21 - 20:08:26 (0:03:05) ξBLEACHξ 20:08:26 - 20:11:19 (0:02:53) Angel Winks 20:11:19 - 20:13:28 (0:02:09) ξBLEACHξ 20:13:28 - 20:15:18 (0:01:50) DISCOVERY 20:15:18 - 20:17:14 (0:01:56) Sunny Side Up! 20:17:14 - 20:18:49 (0:01:35) 山本SPEED 20:18:49 - 20:20:50 (0:02:01) white hope 20:20:50 - 20:22:30 (0:01:40) 雪降る街の夜想曲 20:22:30 - 20:23:58 (0:01:28) 孤高の闘士たち 20:23:58 - 20:25:43 (0:01:45) Legend of Angel 20:25:43 - 20:27:32 (0:01:49) CANYON CROW 20:27:32 - 20:29:34 (0:02:02) +終わりなき旅+ 20:29:34 - 20:31:21 (0:01:47) 常夏街道 20:31:21 - 20:32:57 (0:01:36) Abies firma 20:32:57 - 20:34:40 (0:01:43) トルメキア師団 20:34:40 - 20:36:36 (0:01:56) +終わりなき旅+ 20:36:36 - 20:38:09 (0:01:33) 雪降る街の夜想曲 20:38:09 - 20:40:26 (0:02:17) 孤高の闘士たち 20:40:26 - 20:41:59 (0:01:33) CANYON CROW 20:41:59 - 20:44:14 (0:02:15) 雷光 20:44:14 - 20:45:53 (0:01:39) Ragnarok }{ot spring 20:45:53 - 20:48:31 (0:02:38) 王立ルーン騎士団 20:48:31 - 20:50:20 (0:01:49) 隠密機動 20:50:20 - 20:52:16 (0:01:56) 深月の淵 20:52:16 - 20:53:57 (0:01:41) 雪降る街の夜想曲 20:53:57 - 20:56:12 (0:02:15) Legend of Revolution 20:56:12 - 20:58:00 (0:01:48) 雪降る街の夜想曲 20:58:00 - 20:59:34 (0:01:34) 山本SPEED 20:59:34 - 21:01:08 (0:01:34) 雪降る街の夜想曲 21:01:08 - 21:03:07 (0:01:59) 隠密機動 21:03:07 - 21:04:36 (0:01:29) 神月 21:04:36 - 21:06:20 (0:01:44) Happy End of the World 21:06:20 - 21:08:29 (0:02:09) 深月の淵 21:08:29 - 21:10:09 (0:01:40) Happy End of the World 21:10:09 - 21:12:26 (0:02:17) 隠密機動 21:12:26 - 21:14:10 (0:01:44) 山本SPEED 21:14:10 - 21:15:47 (0:01:37) King 21:15:47 - 21:17:40 (0:01:53) CANYON CROW 21:17:40 - 21:19:17 (0:01:37) Frankfurter Kranz 21:19:17 - 21:20:48 (0:01:31) King 21:20:48 - 21:22:24 (0:01:36) 孤高の闘士たち 21:22:24 - 21:24:27 (0:02:03) 神月 21:24:27 - 21:26:04 (0:01:37) 弱くて小さい人の家 21:26:04 - 21:28:34 (0:02:30) 全能たる神々の使者達 21:28:34 - 21:30:13 (0:01:39) 神月 21:30:13 - 21:32:07 (0:01:54) 〜EternalOath〜 21:32:07 - 21:33:31 (0:01:24) Crimson.Hellkite 21:33:31 - 21:35:11 (0:01:40) 夢の秒針 21:35:11 - 21:36:41 (0:01:30) GLAD☆STAR _時の旋律_ 21:36:41 - 21:38:50 (0:02:09) 常夏街道 21:38:50 - 21:41:21 (0:02:31) Legend of Revolution 21:41:21 - 21:42:44 (0:01:23) Sunny Side Up! 21:42:44 - 21:44:25 (0:01:41) 腹黒旅団 21:44:25 - 21:45:49 (0:01:24) 雪降る街の夜想曲 21:45:49 - 21:47:47 (0:01:58) Sunny Side Up! 21:47:47 - 21:49:48 (0:02:01) Legend of Revolution 21:49:48 - 21:51:41 (0:01:53) 常夏街道 21:51:41 - 21:53:07 (0:01:26) Frontier 21:53:07 - 21:55:01 (0:01:54) Legend of Revolution 21:55:01 - 21:56:34 (0:01:33) 常夏街道 21:56:34 - 21:57:49 (0:01:15) 紫犀聖騎士団 21:57:49 - 22:00:00 (0:02:11) まゆげボ〜ン [Valkyrie Realms 4] (23) 20:00:00 - 20:01:38 (0:01:38) ☆Snow-Crystal☆ 20:01:38 - 20:05:15 (0:03:37) Eternal Milky Way 20:05:15 - 20:08:26 (0:03:11) Freedom 20:08:26 - 20:10:26 (0:02:00) 森羅万象 20:10:26 - 20:12:23 (0:01:57) GLAD☆STAR _時の旋律_ 20:12:23 - 20:22:18 (0:09:55) Freedom 20:22:18 - 20:29:24 (0:07:06) -Fountain- 20:29:24 - 20:36:15 (0:06:51) Freedom 20:36:15 - 20:38:35 (0:02:20) LAST_KISS 20:38:35 - 20:41:43 (0:03:08) SHARON APPLE 20:41:43 - 20:43:38 (0:01:55) GO-MANIAC 20:43:38 - 21:34:41 (0:51:03) †Crescent Crystal† 21:34:41 - 21:37:18 (0:02:37) 居酒屋マーリン 21:37:18 - 21:39:04 (0:01:46) \ノ'∀ン_ ヒャッホウ 21:39:04 - 21:42:16 (0:03:12) 〜EternalOath〜 21:42:16 - 21:44:04 (0:01:48) Angel Winks 21:44:04 - 21:48:17 (0:04:13) Freedom 21:48:17 - 21:50:07 (0:01:50) SHARON APPLE 21:50:07 - 21:52:04 (0:01:57) お前なんか大好きだっ! 21:52:04 - 21:53:44 (0:01:40) 雪降る街の夜想曲 21:53:44 - 21:56:11 (0:02:27) 雷光 21:56:11 - 21:57:58 (0:01:47) お前なんか大好きだっ! 21:57:58 - 21:59:45 (0:01:47) 雪降る街の夜想曲 21:59:45 - 22:00:00 (0:00:15) Freedom [Valkyrie Realms 5] (1) 20:00:00 - 20:02:18 (0:02:18) 時の回廊 20:02:18 - 22:00:00 (1:57:42) MANIAC [Chung-Rim Guild 1] (1) 20:00:00 - 20:02:58 (0:02:58) LAST★COMRADE 20:02:58 - 22:00:00 (1:57:02) Serpent [Chung-Rim Guild 2] (3) 20:00:00 - 20:02:14 (0:02:14) 猫の瞳 20:02:14 - 20:05:46 (0:03:32) ☆Snow-Crystal☆ 20:05:46 - 21:27:08 (1:21:22) Blue=Spell 21:27:08 - 22:00:00 (0:32:52) SILVER★ROSE [Chung-Rim Guild 3] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) Galaxy [Chung-Rim Guild 4] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) InTheWonderLand [Chung-Rim Guild 5] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) False Accusation [Britoniah Guild 1] (14) 20:00:00 - 20:07:11 (0:07:11) FutureGeneration 20:07:11 - 20:11:03 (0:03:52) 0/40 20:11:03 - 20:25:00 (0:13:57) Reformation 20:25:00 - 20:44:17 (0:19:17) Wind of Eternity 20:44:17 - 21:03:37 (0:19:20) Reformation 21:03:37 - 21:07:03 (0:03:26) 猫たちの休息 21:07:03 - 21:10:15 (0:03:12) ☆sugar_kiss☆ 21:10:15 - 21:17:42 (0:07:27) Reformation 21:17:42 - 21:25:31 (0:07:49) StarsEnd 21:25:31 - 21:34:01 (0:08:30) Reformation 21:34:01 - 21:46:44 (0:12:43) fairycafe 21:46:44 - 21:50:28 (0:03:44) Wind of Eternity 21:50:28 - 21:53:14 (0:02:46) Reformation 21:53:14 - 21:55:59 (0:02:45) Shooting☆Star 21:55:59 - 22:00:00 (0:04:01) alttycafe [Britoniah Guild 2] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) ひま親衛隊♪ [Britoniah Guild 3] (4) 20:00:00 - 20:52:56 (0:52:56) LAST★COMRADE 20:52:56 - 20:56:13 (0:03:17) 紫犀聖騎士団 20:56:13 - 21:48:39 (0:52:26) 笛吹きピエロ 21:48:39 - 21:55:41 (0:07:02) Eternal Milky Way 21:55:41 - 22:00:00 (0:04:19) † ライオンハート † [Britoniah Guild 4] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) 白鳳騎士団 [Britoniah Guild 5] (3) 20:00:00 - 21:26:39 (1:26:39) Serpent 21:26:39 - 21:36:21 (0:09:42) ☆sugar_kiss☆ 21:36:21 - 21:58:36 (0:22:15) 猫たちの休息 21:58:36 - 22:00:00 (0:01:24) えっちなのは [Luina Guild 1] (14) 20:00:00 - 20:10:02 (0:10:02) η犬パラダイス 20:10:02 - 20:27:40 (0:17:38) * crying heart * 20:27:40 - 20:31:04 (0:03:24) Ragnarok }{ot spring 20:31:04 - 20:36:29 (0:05:25) ☆sugar_kiss☆ 20:36:29 - 20:40:03 (0:03:34) * crying heart * 20:40:03 - 20:45:01 (0:04:58) Ragnarok }{ot spring 20:45:01 - 20:47:43 (0:02:42) 雪降る街の夜想曲 20:47:43 - 21:10:30 (0:22:47) ☆Snow-Crystal☆ 21:10:30 - 21:15:39 (0:05:09) Ragnarok }{ot spring 21:15:39 - 21:20:52 (0:05:13) * crying heart * 21:20:52 - 21:26:55 (0:06:03) Philia 21:26:55 - 21:34:07 (0:07:12) ☆悠久幾夜寝覚★ 21:34:07 - 21:37:09 (0:03:02) Happy End of the World 21:37:09 - 21:54:44 (0:17:35) ☆Snow-Crystal☆ 21:54:44 - 22:00:00 (0:05:16) Happy End of the World [Luina Guild 2] (5) 20:00:00 - 20:15:38 (0:15:38) Happy End of the World 20:15:38 - 21:18:29 (1:02:51) η犬パラダイス 21:18:29 - 21:30:40 (0:12:11) Wind of Eternity 21:30:40 - 21:34:00 (0:03:20) Philia 21:34:00 - 21:41:49 (0:07:49) £Fantastic World£ 21:41:49 - 22:00:00 (0:18:11) Philia [Luina Guild 3] (4) 20:00:00 - 21:03:28 (1:03:28) Ambition Waltz 21:03:28 - 21:11:19 (0:07:51) The great disaster 21:11:19 - 21:37:10 (0:25:51) Ambition Waltz 21:37:10 - 21:51:04 (0:13:54) The great disaster 21:51:04 - 22:00:00 (0:08:56) Ambition Waltz [Luina Guild 4] (2) 20:00:00 - 20:03:09 (0:03:09) Soleil Couchant 20:03:09 - 20:39:41 (0:36:32) alttycafe 20:39:41 - 22:00:00 (1:20:19) Ambition Waltz [Luina Guild 5] (11) 20:00:00 - 20:06:24 (0:06:24) Director's Cut 20:06:24 - 20:21:09 (0:14:45) 居酒屋マーリン 20:21:09 - 20:26:59 (0:05:50) The great disaster 20:26:59 - 20:32:25 (0:05:26) 居酒屋マーリン 20:32:25 - 20:36:33 (0:04:08) ひとりぼっち 20:36:33 - 20:38:49 (0:02:16) Angel Winks 20:38:49 - 20:48:06 (0:09:17) ☆Snow-Crystal☆ 20:48:06 - 21:21:30 (0:33:24) 天野瘋癲醫院 21:21:30 - 21:37:46 (0:16:16) Happy End of the World 21:37:46 - 21:48:12 (0:10:26) La Vie en Rose 21:48:12 - 21:57:37 (0:09:25) Director's Cut 21:57:37 - 22:00:00 (0:02:23) La Vie en Rose [* crying heart *] (3) 20:10:02 - 20:27:40 (0:17:38) Luina Guild 1 20:36:29 - 20:40:03 (0:03:34) Luina Guild 1 21:15:39 - 21:20:52 (0:05:13) Luina Guild 1 [-Fountain-] (1) 20:22:18 - 20:29:24 (0:07:06) Valkyrie Realms 4 [Abies firma] (3) 20:31:21 - 20:32:57 (0:01:36) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:29:25 - 21:31:21 (0:01:56) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:41:59 - 21:44:18 (0:02:19) Valkyrie Realms 1 [Ambition Waltz] (3) 20:00:00 - 21:03:28 (1:03:28) Luina Guild 3 20:39:41 - 22:00:00 (1:20:19) Luina Guild 4 21:11:19 - 21:37:10 (0:25:51) Luina Guild 3 21:51:04 - 22:00:00 (0:08:56) Luina Guild 3 [Angel Winks] (3) 20:08:26 - 20:11:19 (0:02:53) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:36:33 - 20:38:49 (0:02:16) Luina Guild 5 21:42:16 - 21:44:04 (0:01:48) Valkyrie Realms 4 [Blue=Spell] (1) 20:05:46 - 21:27:08 (1:21:22) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [Brilliant World] (1) 20:31:38 - 21:48:01 (1:16:23) Valkyrie Realms 2 [Crimson.Hellkite] (6) 20:16:35 - 20:18:46 (0:02:11) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:29:06 - 20:31:38 (0:02:32) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:00:28 - 21:02:31 (0:02:03) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:13:03 - 21:14:59 (0:01:56) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:24:26 - 21:25:58 (0:01:32) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:32:07 - 21:33:31 (0:01:24) Valkyrie Realms 3 [DISCOVERY] (1) 20:13:28 - 20:15:18 (0:01:50) Valkyrie Realms 3 [Director's Cut] (1) 20:00:00 - 20:06:24 (0:06:24) Luina Guild 5 21:48:12 - 21:57:37 (0:09:25) Luina Guild 5 [Eternal Milky Way] (2) 20:01:38 - 20:05:15 (0:03:37) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:48:39 - 21:55:41 (0:07:02) Britoniah Guild 3 [False Accusation] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [Frankfurter Kranz] (1) 21:17:40 - 21:19:17 (0:01:37) Valkyrie Realms 3 [Frontier] (1) 21:51:41 - 21:53:07 (0:01:26) Valkyrie Realms 3 [FutureGeneration] (0) 20:00:00 - 20:07:11 (0:07:11) Britoniah Guild 1 [GLAD☆STAR _時の旋律_ ] (7) 20:10:26 - 20:12:23 (0:01:57) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:18:46 - 20:21:33 (0:02:47) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:41:18 - 20:43:01 (0:01:43) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:56:14 - 20:58:56 (0:02:42) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:33:14 - 21:34:47 (0:01:33) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:35:11 - 21:36:41 (0:01:30) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:46:03 - 21:48:38 (0:02:35) Valkyrie Realms 1 [GO-MANIAC] (1) 20:41:43 - 20:43:38 (0:01:55) Valkyrie Realms 4 [Galaxy] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) Chung-Rim Guild 3 [Happy End of the World] (5) 20:00:00 - 20:15:38 (0:15:38) Luina Guild 2 21:04:36 - 21:06:20 (0:01:44) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:08:29 - 21:10:09 (0:01:40) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:21:30 - 21:37:46 (0:16:16) Luina Guild 5 21:34:07 - 21:37:09 (0:03:02) Luina Guild 1 21:54:44 - 22:00:00 (0:05:16) Luina Guild 1 [InTheWonderLand] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) Chung-Rim Guild 4 [Jelly Wing] (1) 20:09:32 - 20:29:06 (0:19:34) Valkyrie Realms 2 [King] (8) 20:37:34 - 20:39:23 (0:01:49) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:54:40 - 20:56:14 (0:01:34) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:06:47 - 21:08:31 (0:01:44) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:14:10 - 21:15:47 (0:01:37) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:19:17 - 21:20:48 (0:01:31) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:25:58 - 21:27:40 (0:01:42) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:31:21 - 21:33:14 (0:01:53) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:59:12 - 22:00:00 (0:00:48) Valkyrie Realms 1 [LAST_KISS] (2) 20:36:15 - 20:38:35 (0:02:20) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:08:31 - 21:10:33 (0:02:02) Valkyrie Realms 1 [LAST★COMRADE] (0) 20:00:00 - 20:02:58 (0:02:58) Chung-Rim Guild 1 20:00:00 - 20:52:56 (0:52:56) Britoniah Guild 3 [La Vie en Rose] (3) 20:06:07 - 20:13:27 (0:07:20) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:37:46 - 21:48:12 (0:10:26) Luina Guild 5 21:57:37 - 22:00:00 (0:02:23) Luina Guild 5 [Legend of Angel] (1) 20:23:58 - 20:25:43 (0:01:45) Valkyrie Realms 3 [Legend of Revolution] (4) 20:53:57 - 20:56:12 (0:02:15) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:38:50 - 21:41:21 (0:02:31) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:47:47 - 21:49:48 (0:02:01) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:53:07 - 21:55:01 (0:01:54) Valkyrie Realms 3 [MANIAC] (1) 20:02:18 - 22:00:00 (1:57:42) Valkyrie Realms 5 [MELTY BLOOD] (1) 20:05:29 - 20:09:32 (0:04:03) Valkyrie Realms 2 [Natural Life] (1) 21:27:40 - 21:29:25 (0:01:45) Valkyrie Realms 1 [Philia] (3) 21:20:52 - 21:26:55 (0:06:03) Luina Guild 1 21:30:40 - 21:34:00 (0:03:20) Luina Guild 2 21:41:49 - 22:00:00 (0:18:11) Luina Guild 2 [Ragnarok }{ot spring] (5) 20:27:40 - 20:31:04 (0:03:24) Luina Guild 1 20:40:03 - 20:45:01 (0:04:58) Luina Guild 1 20:44:14 - 20:45:53 (0:01:39) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:10:30 - 21:15:39 (0:05:09) Luina Guild 1 21:16:21 - 21:18:29 (0:02:08) Valkyrie Realms 1 [Reformation] (5) 20:11:03 - 20:25:00 (0:13:57) Britoniah Guild 1 20:44:17 - 21:03:37 (0:19:20) Britoniah Guild 1 21:10:15 - 21:17:42 (0:07:27) Britoniah Guild 1 21:25:31 - 21:34:01 (0:08:30) Britoniah Guild 1 21:50:28 - 21:53:14 (0:02:46) Britoniah Guild 1 [SHARON APPLE] (3) 20:38:35 - 20:41:43 (0:03:08) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:22:51 - 21:24:26 (0:01:35) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:48:17 - 21:50:07 (0:01:50) Valkyrie Realms 4 [SILVER★ROSE] (1) 21:27:08 - 22:00:00 (0:32:52) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [Serpent] (1) 20:00:00 - 21:26:39 (1:26:39) Britoniah Guild 5 20:02:58 - 22:00:00 (1:57:02) Chung-Rim Guild 1 [Shooting☆Star] (1) 21:53:14 - 21:55:59 (0:02:45) Britoniah Guild 1 [Soleil Couchant] (0) 20:00:00 - 20:03:09 (0:03:09) Luina Guild 4 [Star island] (1) 21:37:04 - 21:38:38 (0:01:34) Valkyrie Realms 1 [StarsEnd] (1) 21:17:42 - 21:25:31 (0:07:49) Britoniah Guild 1 [Sunny Side Up!] (4) 20:15:18 - 20:17:14 (0:01:56) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:28:40 - 20:32:30 (0:03:50) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:41:21 - 21:42:44 (0:01:23) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:45:49 - 21:47:47 (0:01:58) Valkyrie Realms 3 [Take it Easy] (1) 20:32:30 - 20:34:48 (0:02:18) Valkyrie Realms 1 [The great disaster] (3) 20:21:09 - 20:26:59 (0:05:50) Luina Guild 5 21:03:28 - 21:11:19 (0:07:51) Luina Guild 3 21:37:10 - 21:51:04 (0:13:54) Luina Guild 3 [WARES†BLADE] (4) 20:03:56 - 20:06:07 (0:02:11) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:34:47 - 21:37:04 (0:02:17) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:40:17 - 21:41:59 (0:01:42) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:51:52 - 21:53:31 (0:01:39) Valkyrie Realms 1 [Wind of Eternity] (3) 20:25:00 - 20:44:17 (0:19:17) Britoniah Guild 1 21:18:29 - 21:30:40 (0:12:11) Luina Guild 2 21:46:44 - 21:50:28 (0:03:44) Britoniah Guild 1 [[wind_of_disguise]] (1) 20:58:56 - 21:00:28 (0:01:32) Valkyrie Realms 1 [alttycafe] (2) 20:00:00 - 20:05:21 (0:05:21) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:03:09 - 20:39:41 (0:36:32) Luina Guild 4 21:55:59 - 22:00:00 (0:04:01) Britoniah Guild 1 [fairycafe] (1) 21:34:01 - 21:46:44 (0:12:43) Britoniah Guild 1 [moonless night] (0) 20:00:00 - 20:05:29 (0:05:29) Valkyrie Realms 2 [white hope] (1) 20:18:49 - 20:20:50 (0:02:01) Valkyrie Realms 3 [ウホッ イイ tサン] (1) 21:18:29 - 21:20:40 (0:02:11) Valkyrie Realms 1 [\ノ'∀ン_ ヒャッホウ] (3) 20:21:33 - 20:23:37 (0:02:04) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:45:04 - 20:46:38 (0:01:34) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:37:18 - 21:39:04 (0:01:46) Valkyrie Realms 4 [〜EternalOath〜] (2) 21:30:13 - 21:32:07 (0:01:54) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:39:04 - 21:42:16 (0:03:12) Valkyrie Realms 4 [+終わりなき旅+] (4) 20:27:32 - 20:29:34 (0:02:02) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:34:40 - 20:36:36 (0:01:56) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:50:18 - 21:51:52 (0:01:34) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:55:32 - 21:57:02 (0:01:30) Valkyrie Realms 1 [£Fantastic World£] (2) 21:34:00 - 21:41:49 (0:07:49) Luina Guild 2 21:48:01 - 21:54:48 (0:06:47) Valkyrie Realms 2 [☆Snow-Crystal☆] (4) 20:00:00 - 20:01:38 (0:01:38) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:02:14 - 20:05:46 (0:03:32) Chung-Rim Guild 2 20:38:49 - 20:48:06 (0:09:17) Luina Guild 5 20:47:43 - 21:10:30 (0:22:47) Luina Guild 1 21:37:09 - 21:54:44 (0:17:35) Luina Guild 1 [☆sugar_kiss☆] (4) 20:23:37 - 20:26:26 (0:02:49) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:31:04 - 20:36:29 (0:05:25) Luina Guild 1 21:07:03 - 21:10:15 (0:03:12) Britoniah Guild 1 21:26:39 - 21:36:21 (0:09:42) Britoniah Guild 5 [☆悠久幾夜寝覚★] (1) 21:26:55 - 21:34:07 (0:07:12) Luina Guild 1 [† ライオンハート †] (1) 21:55:41 - 22:00:00 (0:04:19) Britoniah Guild 3 [†Crescent Crystal†] (1) 20:43:38 - 21:34:41 (0:51:03) Valkyrie Realms 4 [0/40] (1) 20:07:11 - 20:11:03 (0:03:52) Britoniah Guild 1 [CANYON CROW] (3) 20:25:43 - 20:27:32 (0:01:49) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:40:26 - 20:41:59 (0:01:33) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:15:47 - 21:17:40 (0:01:53) Valkyrie Realms 3 [ERO雑技団本部] (3) 20:13:27 - 20:16:35 (0:03:08) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:34:48 - 20:37:34 (0:02:46) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:39:23 - 20:41:18 (0:01:55) Valkyrie Realms 1 [Freedom] (8) 20:05:15 - 20:08:26 (0:03:11) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:12:23 - 20:22:18 (0:09:55) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:29:24 - 20:36:15 (0:06:51) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:46:38 - 20:53:15 (0:06:37) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:04:07 - 21:06:47 (0:02:40) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:10:33 - 21:13:03 (0:02:30) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:44:04 - 21:48:17 (0:04:13) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:59:45 - 22:00:00 (0:00:15) Valkyrie Realms 4 [えっちなのは] (1) 21:58:36 - 22:00:00 (0:01:24) Britoniah Guild 5 [お前なんか大好きだっ!] (2) 21:50:07 - 21:52:04 (0:01:57) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:56:11 - 21:57:58 (0:01:47) Valkyrie Realms 4 [ひとりぼっち] (1) 20:32:25 - 20:36:33 (0:04:08) Luina Guild 5 [ひま親衛隊♪] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) Britoniah Guild 2 [ぽんこつわーくす] (2) 20:43:01 - 20:45:04 (0:02:03) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:53:31 - 21:55:32 (0:02:01) Valkyrie Realms 1 [まゆげボ〜ン] (1) 21:57:49 - 22:00:00 (0:02:11) Valkyrie Realms 3 [トルメキア師団] (3) 20:32:57 - 20:34:40 (0:01:43) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:20:40 - 21:22:51 (0:02:11) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:57:02 - 21:59:12 (0:02:10) Valkyrie Realms 1 [ポリンレストラン] (1) 21:44:18 - 21:46:03 (0:01:45) Valkyrie Realms 1 [η犬パラダイス] (2) 20:00:00 - 20:10:02 (0:10:02) Luina Guild 1 20:15:38 - 21:18:29 (1:02:51) Luina Guild 2 21:54:48 - 22:00:00 (0:05:12) Valkyrie Realms 2 [ξBLEACHξ] (2) 20:05:21 - 20:08:26 (0:03:05) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:11:19 - 20:13:28 (0:02:09) Valkyrie Realms 3 [隠密機動] (3) 20:48:31 - 20:50:20 (0:01:49) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:01:08 - 21:03:07 (0:01:59) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:10:09 - 21:12:26 (0:02:17) Valkyrie Realms 3 [王立ルーン騎士団] (1) 20:45:53 - 20:48:31 (0:02:38) Valkyrie Realms 3 [居酒屋マーリン] (3) 20:06:24 - 20:21:09 (0:14:45) Luina Guild 5 20:26:59 - 20:32:25 (0:05:26) Luina Guild 5 21:34:41 - 21:37:18 (0:02:37) Valkyrie Realms 4 [孤高の闘士たち] (3) 20:22:30 - 20:23:58 (0:01:28) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:38:09 - 20:40:26 (0:02:17) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:20:48 - 21:22:24 (0:01:36) Valkyrie Realms 3 [山本SPEED] (3) 20:17:14 - 20:18:49 (0:01:35) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:58:00 - 20:59:34 (0:01:34) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:12:26 - 21:14:10 (0:01:44) Valkyrie Realms 3 [紫犀聖騎士団] (2) 20:52:56 - 20:56:13 (0:03:17) Britoniah Guild 3 21:56:34 - 21:57:49 (0:01:15) Valkyrie Realms 3 [時の回廊] (0) 20:00:00 - 20:02:18 (0:02:18) Valkyrie Realms 5 [弱くて小さい人の家] (1) 21:24:27 - 21:26:04 (0:01:37) Valkyrie Realms 3 [序章〜真の紋章使い達〜] (1) 20:26:26 - 20:28:40 (0:02:14) Valkyrie Realms 1 [常夏街道] (5) 20:29:34 - 20:31:21 (0:01:47) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:53:15 - 20:54:40 (0:01:25) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:36:41 - 21:38:50 (0:02:09) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:49:48 - 21:51:41 (0:01:53) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:55:01 - 21:56:34 (0:01:33) Valkyrie Realms 3 [森羅万象] (1) 20:08:26 - 20:10:26 (0:02:00) Valkyrie Realms 4 [深月の淵] (2) 20:50:20 - 20:52:16 (0:01:56) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:06:20 - 21:08:29 (0:02:09) Valkyrie Realms 3 [神月] (3) 21:03:07 - 21:04:36 (0:01:29) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:22:24 - 21:24:27 (0:02:03) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:28:34 - 21:30:13 (0:01:39) Valkyrie Realms 3 [雪降る街の夜想曲] (13) 20:20:50 - 20:22:30 (0:01:40) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:36:36 - 20:38:09 (0:01:33) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:45:01 - 20:47:43 (0:02:42) Luina Guild 1 20:52:16 - 20:53:57 (0:01:41) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:56:12 - 20:58:00 (0:01:48) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:59:34 - 21:01:08 (0:01:34) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:02:31 - 21:04:07 (0:01:36) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:14:59 - 21:16:21 (0:01:22) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:38:38 - 21:40:17 (0:01:39) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:44:25 - 21:45:49 (0:01:24) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:48:38 - 21:50:18 (0:01:40) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:52:04 - 21:53:44 (0:01:40) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:57:58 - 21:59:45 (0:01:47) Valkyrie Realms 4 [全能たる神々の使者達] (1) 21:26:04 - 21:28:34 (0:02:30) Valkyrie Realms 3 [笛吹きピエロ] (1) 20:56:13 - 21:48:39 (0:52:26) Britoniah Guild 3 [天野瘋癲醫院] (1) 20:48:06 - 21:21:30 (0:33:24) Luina Guild 5 [猫たちの休息] (2) 21:03:37 - 21:07:03 (0:03:26) Britoniah Guild 1 21:36:21 - 21:58:36 (0:22:15) Britoniah Guild 5 [猫の瞳] (0) 20:00:00 - 20:02:14 (0:02:14) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [白鳳騎士団] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) Britoniah Guild 4 [腹黒旅団] (1) 21:42:44 - 21:44:25 (0:01:41) Valkyrie Realms 3 [夢の秒針] (1) 21:33:31 - 21:35:11 (0:01:40) Valkyrie Realms 3 [名前のない家] (0) 20:00:00 - 20:03:56 (0:03:56) Valkyrie Realms 1 [雷光] (2) 20:41:59 - 20:44:14 (0:02:15) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:53:44 - 21:56:11 (0:02:27) Valkyrie Realms 4