[Valkyrie Realms 1] (19) 20:00:00 - 20:04:51 (0:04:51) MELTY BLOOD 20:04:51 - 20:09:04 (0:04:13) あなたを殺し隊 20:09:04 - 20:10:51 (0:01:47) 気まぐれももんが 20:10:51 - 20:13:14 (0:02:23) 電波工場 20:13:14 - 20:15:15 (0:02:01) moonless night 20:15:15 - 20:22:35 (0:07:20) あなたを殺し隊 20:22:35 - 20:24:33 (0:01:58) のび太の物は俺の物!! 20:24:33 - 20:27:24 (0:02:51) Snow Heart 20:27:24 - 20:29:00 (0:01:36) 鍛冶屋の馬鹿力!!! 20:29:00 - 20:38:29 (0:09:29) あなたを殺し隊 20:38:29 - 20:40:17 (0:01:48) くろねこさんち〜む★ 20:40:17 - 20:42:04 (0:01:47) 電波工場 20:42:04 - 20:45:24 (0:03:20) Soul Steal With LoV 20:45:24 - 20:47:29 (0:02:05) 〜兵どもが夢の後〜 20:47:29 - 20:49:44 (0:02:15) AnEternalTrip 20:49:44 - 21:03:38 (0:13:54) £Fantastic World£ 21:03:38 - 21:06:55 (0:03:17) あなたを殺し隊 21:06:55 - 21:18:24 (0:11:29) ☆RO雑技団第2支部☆ 21:18:24 - 21:20:17 (0:01:53) 鍛冶屋の馬鹿力!!! 21:20:17 - 22:00:00 (0:39:43) £Fantastic World£ [Valkyrie Realms 2] (39) 20:00:00 - 20:04:19 (0:04:19) しにがみのかま 20:04:19 - 20:12:39 (0:08:20) 殲姫師団 20:12:39 - 20:23:12 (0:10:33) しにがみのかま 20:23:12 - 20:26:18 (0:03:06) 気まぐれももんが 20:26:18 - 20:28:15 (0:01:57) 生命の輝き 20:28:15 - 20:33:08 (0:04:53) Darkness Spirits 20:33:08 - 20:36:10 (0:03:02) BeastNumber 20:36:10 - 20:39:09 (0:02:59) Leaves of Grass 20:39:09 - 20:42:22 (0:03:13) rebellion 20:42:22 - 20:44:30 (0:02:08) Leaves of Grass 20:44:30 - 20:47:15 (0:02:45) エターナルスフィア 20:47:15 - 20:49:29 (0:02:14) BeastNumber 20:49:29 - 20:51:54 (0:02:25) La Vie en Rose 20:51:54 - 20:54:16 (0:02:22) rebellion 20:54:16 - 20:56:35 (0:02:19) エトランゼ 20:56:35 - 21:00:14 (0:03:39) AnEternalTrip 21:00:14 - 21:02:24 (0:02:10) rebellion 21:02:24 - 21:04:39 (0:02:15) ☆ろまんちすとたぬき☆ 21:04:39 - 21:07:18 (0:02:39) AnEternalTrip 21:07:18 - 21:09:30 (0:02:12) 雪降る街の夜想曲 21:09:30 - 21:11:37 (0:02:07) AnEternalTrip 21:11:37 - 21:13:17 (0:01:40) 珠ちゃん誤爆記録委員会 21:13:17 - 21:16:04 (0:02:47) AnEternalTrip 21:16:04 - 21:18:01 (0:01:57) Resistance 21:18:01 - 21:20:29 (0:02:28) ☆ろまんちすとたぬき☆ 21:20:29 - 21:22:21 (0:01:52) Resistance 21:22:21 - 21:24:30 (0:02:09) ☆ろまんちすとたぬき☆ 21:24:30 - 21:26:53 (0:02:23) rebellion 21:26:53 - 21:29:43 (0:02:50) レアハンターLydia本部 21:29:43 - 21:31:37 (0:01:54) Resistance 21:31:37 - 21:33:42 (0:02:05) くろねこさんち〜む★ 21:33:42 - 21:35:40 (0:01:58) ☆ろまんちすとたぬき☆ 21:35:40 - 21:37:58 (0:02:18) AnEternalTrip 21:37:58 - 21:41:02 (0:03:04) rebellion 21:41:02 - 21:43:11 (0:02:09) La Vie en Rose 21:43:11 - 21:45:14 (0:02:03) rebellion 21:45:14 - 21:48:16 (0:03:02) ☆RO雑技団第2支部☆ 21:48:16 - 21:50:05 (0:01:49) 電波工場 21:50:05 - 21:52:19 (0:02:14) BeastNumber 21:52:19 - 22:00:00 (0:07:41) ☆RO雑技団第2支部☆ [Valkyrie Realms 3] (3) 20:00:00 - 20:05:48 (0:05:48) †AvantжGarde† 20:05:48 - 20:08:07 (0:02:19) Darkness Spirits 20:08:07 - 20:19:46 (0:11:39) ☆RO雑技団第2支部☆ 20:19:46 - 22:00:00 (1:40:14) †AvantжGarde† [Valkyrie Realms 4] (59) 20:00:00 - 20:01:40 (0:01:40) 気まぐれももんが 20:01:40 - 20:03:56 (0:02:16) 始まる世界 20:03:56 - 20:05:33 (0:01:37) ルルさんのチャット邪魔くさ 20:05:33 - 20:06:58 (0:01:25) 新生祝い隊 20:06:58 - 20:08:29 (0:01:31) 冷吟閑酔 20:08:29 - 20:10:03 (0:01:34) ☆sugar_kiss☆ 20:10:03 - 20:11:46 (0:01:43) 新生祝い隊 20:11:46 - 20:13:14 (0:01:28) Wing of Tranquility 20:13:14 - 20:15:13 (0:01:59) OptimizeProject 20:15:13 - 20:16:44 (0:01:31) Darkness Spirits 20:16:44 - 20:18:04 (0:01:20) 風の聖痕 20:18:04 - 20:20:03 (0:01:59) 冷吟閑酔 20:20:03 - 20:21:40 (0:01:37) 天に輝く青い星 20:21:40 - 20:23:26 (0:01:46) Brilliant World 20:23:26 - 20:25:12 (0:01:46) Bless of Heart 20:25:12 - 20:26:33 (0:01:21) 孤高の闘士たち 20:26:33 - 20:28:17 (0:01:44) 冷吟閑酔 20:28:17 - 20:29:56 (0:01:39) 孤高の闘士たち 20:29:56 - 20:31:43 (0:01:47) 新生祝い隊 20:31:43 - 20:33:10 (0:01:27) 孤高の闘士たち 20:33:10 - 20:34:50 (0:01:40) *SERENDIPITY*ForYou 20:34:50 - 20:36:31 (0:01:41) 輪廻 20:36:31 - 20:38:08 (0:01:37) Enemy of the world 20:38:08 - 20:45:20 (0:07:12) moonless night 20:45:20 - 20:46:55 (0:01:35) 引退までのクホロード 20:46:55 - 20:48:31 (0:01:36) 久遠の絆 20:48:31 - 20:51:16 (0:02:45) 月夜の旅〜日帰り〜 20:51:16 - 20:52:51 (0:01:35) Enemy of the world 20:52:51 - 20:54:41 (0:01:50) Wing of Tranquility 20:54:41 - 20:56:09 (0:01:28) Save the WorLD 20:56:09 - 20:58:10 (0:02:01) 新生祝い隊 20:58:10 - 20:59:44 (0:01:34) resolution of soul 20:59:44 - 21:01:19 (0:01:35) Enemy of the world 21:01:19 - 21:03:22 (0:02:03) 暗導学園 上級科 21:03:22 - 21:04:53 (0:01:31) 孤高の闘士たち 21:04:53 - 21:06:44 (0:01:51) Enemy of the world 21:06:44 - 21:08:32 (0:01:48) 冷吟閑酔 21:08:32 - 21:10:32 (0:02:00) 天使か悪魔か 21:10:32 - 21:12:22 (0:01:50) Enemy of the world 21:12:22 - 21:14:31 (0:02:09) 新生祝い隊 21:14:31 - 21:16:03 (0:01:32) 孤高の闘士たち 21:16:03 - 21:17:43 (0:01:40) 冷吟閑酔 21:17:43 - 21:19:38 (0:01:55) - Absolute Braver - 21:19:38 - 21:21:34 (0:01:56) キャラバン 21:21:34 - 21:23:32 (0:01:58) 天野瘋癲醫院 21:23:32 - 21:25:27 (0:01:55) 天に輝く青い星 21:25:27 - 21:27:23 (0:01:56) 新生祝い隊 21:27:23 - 21:34:46 (0:07:23) あなたを殺し隊 21:34:46 - 21:36:34 (0:01:48) Enemy of the world 21:36:34 - 21:38:22 (0:01:48) ROOT 21:38:22 - 21:40:42 (0:02:20) 冷吟閑酔 21:40:42 - 21:42:17 (0:01:35) JudasPain 21:42:17 - 21:45:02 (0:02:45) Snow Drop 21:45:02 - 21:46:46 (0:01:44) 月夜の旅〜日帰り〜 21:46:46 - 21:49:14 (0:02:28) 孤高の闘士たち 21:49:14 - 21:51:12 (0:01:58) 天野瘋癲醫院 21:51:12 - 21:53:21 (0:02:09) 新生祝い隊 21:53:21 - 21:55:36 (0:02:15) 月食-a lunar eclipse- 21:55:36 - 21:57:46 (0:02:10) 時の回廊 21:57:46 - 22:00:00 (0:02:14) 月食-a lunar eclipse- [Valkyrie Realms 5] (19) 20:00:00 - 20:07:48 (0:07:48) BraveStar 20:07:48 - 20:10:43 (0:02:55) Jelly Wing 20:10:43 - 20:13:01 (0:02:18) Darkness Spirits 20:13:01 - 20:15:38 (0:02:37) Sacred-Hunters 20:15:38 - 20:19:27 (0:03:49) BraveStar 20:19:27 - 20:21:25 (0:01:58) AnEternalTrip 20:21:25 - 20:24:46 (0:03:21) Sacred-Hunters 20:24:46 - 20:28:06 (0:03:20) Curtain_Call 20:28:06 - 20:34:27 (0:06:21) Sacred-Hunters 20:34:27 - 20:46:12 (0:11:45) MANIAC 20:46:12 - 20:57:19 (0:11:07) Sacred-Hunters 20:57:19 - 21:02:29 (0:05:10) MANIAC 21:02:29 - 21:33:20 (0:30:51) Jelly Wing 21:33:20 - 21:39:17 (0:05:57) MANIAC 21:39:17 - 21:41:53 (0:02:36) Curtain_Call 21:41:53 - 21:46:32 (0:04:39) しにがみのかま 21:46:32 - 21:50:08 (0:03:36) 上善如水 21:50:08 - 21:53:00 (0:02:52) Sing a Song 21:53:00 - 21:55:38 (0:02:38) しにがみのかま 21:55:38 - 22:00:00 (0:04:22) Curtain_Call [Chung-Rim Guild 1] (6) 20:00:00 - 20:47:24 (0:47:24) GrandCanyon. 20:47:24 - 20:50:58 (0:03:34) ぼくらは虚空に夜を視る 20:50:58 - 21:14:58 (0:24:00) Destiny 21:14:58 - 21:27:25 (0:12:27) GrandCanyon. 21:27:25 - 21:32:50 (0:05:25) WHEREVER 21:32:50 - 21:36:47 (0:03:57) のび太の物は俺の物!! 21:36:47 - 22:00:00 (0:23:13) GrandCanyon. [Chung-Rim Guild 2] (27) 20:00:00 - 20:12:58 (0:12:58) InTheWonderLand 20:12:58 - 20:21:28 (0:08:30) 【悪・即・斬】第二支部 20:21:28 - 20:25:23 (0:03:55) 光神聖騎士団 20:25:23 - 20:28:54 (0:03:31) 暗殺組織☆兎 20:28:54 - 20:33:04 (0:04:10) ain't afraid to die 20:33:04 - 20:35:48 (0:02:44) 紅の蝶 20:35:48 - 20:38:18 (0:02:30) Oh!_great 20:38:18 - 20:40:46 (0:02:28) 暗行御史 20:40:46 - 20:53:17 (0:12:31) Moon Crisis 20:53:17 - 21:03:11 (0:09:54) -Barうみのさる- 21:03:11 - 21:05:54 (0:02:43) 暗行御史 21:05:54 - 21:09:31 (0:03:37) Oh!_great 21:09:31 - 21:16:31 (0:07:00) ☆わんにゃんふぁーむ☆ 21:16:31 - 21:20:08 (0:03:37) かもねぎ 21:20:08 - 21:25:22 (0:05:14) Oh!_great 21:25:22 - 21:27:56 (0:02:34) resolution of soul 21:27:56 - 21:30:49 (0:02:53) OperationDesertStorm 21:30:49 - 21:33:02 (0:02:13) Grenze 21:33:02 - 21:35:39 (0:02:37) Crimson.Hellkite 21:35:39 - 21:38:19 (0:02:40) 風の聖痕 21:38:19 - 21:42:07 (0:03:48) 波乗りエスケ〜プ 21:42:07 - 21:44:26 (0:02:19) 暗殺組織☆兎 21:44:26 - 21:46:57 (0:02:31) Wandering-Dolphins 21:46:57 - 21:49:18 (0:02:21) resolution of soul 21:49:18 - 21:52:42 (0:03:24) 暗行御史 21:52:42 - 21:55:03 (0:02:21) Wandering-Dolphins 21:55:03 - 21:58:01 (0:02:58) 暗殺組織☆兎 21:58:01 - 22:00:00 (0:01:59) 風の聖痕 [Chung-Rim Guild 3] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) Shooting☆Star [Chung-Rim Guild 4] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) †Cromm Cruaich† [Chung-Rim Guild 5] (35) 20:00:00 - 20:03:02 (0:03:02) 鷹の団 20:03:02 - 20:07:15 (0:04:13) Force of Will 20:07:15 - 20:10:52 (0:03:37) 暗殺組織☆兎 20:10:52 - 20:13:47 (0:02:55) Force of Will 20:13:47 - 20:17:06 (0:03:19) †Night-Яaven† 20:17:06 - 20:19:14 (0:02:08) † CRIMSON † 20:19:14 - 20:22:59 (0:03:45) クロスファイア 20:22:59 - 20:24:40 (0:01:41) StarsEnd 20:24:40 - 20:30:18 (0:05:38) η犬パラダイス 20:30:18 - 20:33:50 (0:03:32) Яё∀└ 20:33:50 - 20:35:51 (0:02:01) やきそばパンダ 20:35:51 - 20:42:37 (0:06:46) η犬パラダイス 20:42:37 - 20:45:38 (0:03:01) Яё∀└ 20:45:38 - 20:47:39 (0:02:01) †Night-Яaven† 20:47:39 - 20:49:51 (0:02:12) Blue=Spell 20:49:51 - 20:52:55 (0:03:04) Brilliant World 20:52:55 - 20:54:37 (0:01:42) DeepBlue-EYES 20:54:37 - 21:01:49 (0:07:12) 雪の華 21:01:49 - 21:03:47 (0:01:58) Curtain_Call 21:03:47 - 21:06:39 (0:02:52) η犬パラダイス 21:06:39 - 21:08:21 (0:01:42) Curtain_Call 21:08:21 - 21:10:23 (0:02:02) 鍛冶屋の馬鹿 21:10:23 - 21:13:47 (0:03:24) WHEREVER 21:13:47 - 21:15:50 (0:02:03) 永遠を駆ける一瞬の僕ら 21:15:50 - 21:17:40 (0:01:50) 風の聖痕 21:17:40 - 21:19:29 (0:01:49) 永遠を駆ける一瞬の僕ら 21:19:29 - 21:21:38 (0:02:09) 風の聖痕 21:21:38 - 21:24:37 (0:02:59) η犬パラダイス 21:24:37 - 21:27:05 (0:02:28) Яё∀└ 21:27:05 - 21:28:48 (0:01:43) 風の聖痕 21:28:48 - 21:30:49 (0:02:01) Curtain_Call 21:30:49 - 21:32:58 (0:02:09) 〜風雅〜 21:32:58 - 21:35:14 (0:02:16) Curtain_Call 21:35:14 - 21:49:34 (0:14:20) かもねぎ 21:49:34 - 21:58:31 (0:08:57) のび太の物は俺の物!! 21:58:31 - 22:00:00 (0:01:29) DeepBlue-EYES [Britoniah Guild 1] (9) 20:00:00 - 20:02:05 (0:02:05) Moon☆Crystal 20:02:05 - 20:04:15 (0:02:10) ふぁげ親衛隊♪ 20:04:15 - 20:07:18 (0:03:03) Synthetic 20:07:18 - 20:19:44 (0:12:26) ふぁげ親衛隊♪ 20:19:44 - 20:34:36 (0:14:52) Concerto 20:34:36 - 21:21:42 (0:47:06) 和 〜なごみ〜 21:21:42 - 21:24:36 (0:02:54) Mixture 21:24:36 - 21:37:44 (0:13:08) ミラージュ・ナイト 21:37:44 - 21:55:19 (0:17:35) L’Espoir 21:55:19 - 22:00:00 (0:04:41) Fraternity [Britoniah Guild 2] (3) 20:00:00 - 20:12:45 (0:12:45) ТяаисЁ 20:12:45 - 20:32:23 (0:19:38) InTheWonderLand 20:32:23 - 20:37:02 (0:04:39) Mixture 20:37:02 - 22:00:00 (1:22:58) InTheWonderLand [Britoniah Guild 3] (22) 20:00:00 - 20:02:27 (0:02:27) Folkvangr 20:02:27 - 20:09:10 (0:06:43) ぽすぴぃ(゚ロ゚;)エエッ!? 20:09:10 - 20:12:07 (0:02:57) WHEREVER 20:12:07 - 20:14:51 (0:02:44) ぽすぴぃ(゚ロ゚;)エエッ!? 20:14:51 - 20:16:32 (0:01:41) Y.E.N. 20:16:32 - 20:19:36 (0:03:04) ∋Little Crusade∈ 20:19:36 - 20:21:38 (0:02:02) La Vie en Rose 20:21:38 - 20:23:47 (0:02:09) 苺たると☆ 20:23:47 - 20:48:10 (0:24:23) ∋Midnight Angel∈ 20:48:10 - 20:50:39 (0:02:29) tears for bloody solid 20:50:39 - 20:52:18 (0:01:39) Tears 20:52:18 - 21:05:31 (0:13:13) ∋Midnight Angel∈ 21:05:31 - 21:17:16 (0:11:45) 明日の微笑みのために 21:17:16 - 21:20:06 (0:02:50) 1$ 21:20:06 - 21:21:51 (0:01:45) [平成よっぱらい研究所] 21:21:51 - 21:36:43 (0:14:52) ☆Snow-Crystal☆ 21:36:43 - 21:43:40 (0:06:57) Ambition Waltz 21:43:40 - 21:46:38 (0:02:58) ∋Little Crusade∈ 21:46:38 - 21:48:54 (0:02:16) 雪の華 21:48:54 - 21:50:46 (0:01:52) MANIAC 21:50:46 - 21:54:08 (0:03:22) ∋Midnight Angel∈ 21:54:08 - 21:57:43 (0:03:35) 鷹の団 21:57:43 - 22:00:00 (0:02:17) Wind of Eternity [Britoniah Guild 4] (5) 20:00:00 - 20:19:44 (0:19:44) L’Espoir 20:19:44 - 20:23:02 (0:03:18) Mixture 20:23:02 - 20:52:22 (0:29:20) 紅の酢豚 20:52:22 - 21:07:52 (0:15:30) Gravity Anomaly 21:07:52 - 21:20:31 (0:12:39) 紅の酢豚 21:20:31 - 22:00:00 (0:39:29) Gravity Anomaly [Britoniah Guild 5] (9) 20:00:00 - 20:02:05 (0:02:05) 1$ 20:02:05 - 20:13:34 (0:11:29) Brilliant World 20:13:34 - 20:16:49 (0:03:15) MORE DEEP 20:16:49 - 20:26:33 (0:09:44) Brilliant World 20:26:33 - 21:28:17 (1:01:44) 炎の蜃気楼 21:28:17 - 21:36:22 (0:08:05) Eternal Milky Way 21:36:22 - 21:38:12 (0:01:50) 鍛冶屋の馬鹿力!!! 21:38:12 - 21:41:46 (0:03:34) 炎の蜃気楼 21:41:46 - 21:56:37 (0:14:51) GerechtErde 21:56:37 - 22:00:00 (0:03:23) ТяаисЁ [Luina Guild 1] (37) 20:00:00 - 20:08:35 (0:08:35) Chronicle 20:08:35 - 20:17:57 (0:09:22) -shattered skies- 20:17:57 - 20:21:35 (0:03:38) 〜兵どもが夢の後〜 20:21:35 - 20:24:17 (0:02:42) Curtain_Call 20:24:17 - 20:26:59 (0:02:42) @。@v 20:26:59 - 20:29:26 (0:02:27) ミッドガルド騎兵団 20:29:26 - 20:32:29 (0:03:03) 床下盗賊団 20:32:29 - 20:34:36 (0:02:07) -shattered skies- 20:34:36 - 20:37:16 (0:02:40) @。@v 20:37:16 - 20:40:32 (0:03:16) 虹色のかけら 20:40:32 - 20:43:40 (0:03:08) ふぁげ親衛隊♪ 20:43:40 - 20:46:08 (0:02:28) 床下盗賊団 20:46:08 - 20:49:36 (0:03:28) Hasta la vista、baby 20:49:36 - 20:51:39 (0:02:03) Mixture 20:51:39 - 20:54:05 (0:02:26) -shattered skies- 20:54:05 - 20:56:27 (0:02:22) Devil & Angel 20:56:27 - 20:58:48 (0:02:21) Landover 20:58:48 - 21:01:40 (0:02:52) @。@v 21:01:40 - 21:04:14 (0:02:34) -shattered skies- 21:04:14 - 21:07:35 (0:03:21) @。@v 21:07:35 - 21:10:28 (0:02:53) 今宵も映える月 21:10:28 - 21:12:37 (0:02:09) Landover 21:12:37 - 21:15:00 (0:02:23) La Vie en Rose 21:15:00 - 21:17:03 (0:02:03) @。@v 21:17:03 - 21:19:41 (0:02:38) -shattered skies- 21:19:41 - 21:21:39 (0:01:58) 今宵も映える月 21:21:39 - 21:24:13 (0:02:34) -shattered skies- 21:24:13 - 21:27:01 (0:02:48) @。@v 21:27:01 - 21:30:39 (0:03:38) 気まぐれももんが 21:30:39 - 21:32:47 (0:02:08) Hasta la vista、baby 21:32:47 - 21:43:39 (0:10:52) Lumie're 21:43:39 - 21:46:05 (0:02:26) Hasta la vista、baby 21:46:05 - 21:48:15 (0:02:10) -shattered skies- 21:48:15 - 21:50:43 (0:02:28) Chronicle 21:50:43 - 21:53:36 (0:02:53) -shattered skies- 21:53:36 - 21:56:23 (0:02:47) Star☆Planets 21:56:23 - 21:59:15 (0:02:52) かににっぱHEY! 21:59:15 - 22:00:00 (0:00:45) へっぽこ。 [Luina Guild 2] (9) 20:00:00 - 20:04:04 (0:04:04) EdelRitter 20:04:04 - 20:34:16 (0:30:12) マゾなのは 20:34:16 - 20:37:27 (0:03:11) のび太の物は俺の物!! 20:37:27 - 21:17:09 (0:39:42) BraveStar 21:17:09 - 21:20:04 (0:02:55) Sourire d'Ange 3rd 21:20:04 - 21:24:20 (0:04:16) マゾなのは 21:24:20 - 21:27:24 (0:03:04) 珍走☆天使 21:27:24 - 21:29:40 (0:02:16) Folkvangr 21:29:40 - 21:35:40 (0:06:00) Chronicle 21:35:40 - 22:00:00 (0:24:20) DEAD OR ALIVE [Luina Guild 3] (18) 20:00:00 - 20:01:51 (0:01:51) Darkness Spirits 20:01:51 - 20:16:35 (0:14:44) 百華繚乱 20:16:35 - 20:21:05 (0:04:30) Chronicle 20:21:05 - 20:24:07 (0:03:02) EdelRitter 20:24:07 - 20:41:49 (0:17:42) Ambition Waltz 20:41:49 - 20:44:27 (0:02:38) 珍走☆天使 20:44:27 - 20:46:19 (0:01:52) Blood of destiny 20:46:19 - 20:55:23 (0:09:04) Ambition Waltz 20:55:23 - 20:58:09 (0:02:46) Darkness Spirits 20:58:09 - 21:09:37 (0:11:28) Mixture 21:09:37 - 21:25:50 (0:16:13) くじびきアンバランス 21:25:50 - 21:32:16 (0:06:26) 虹色のかけら 21:32:16 - 21:41:02 (0:08:46) Devil & Angel 21:41:02 - 21:46:22 (0:05:20) マゾなのは 21:46:22 - 21:50:12 (0:03:50) ☆伊豆雑技団☆ 21:50:12 - 21:53:02 (0:02:50) 虹色のかけら 21:53:02 - 21:56:14 (0:03:12) Chronicle 21:56:14 - 21:58:48 (0:02:34) 奇跡を呼ぶ狂想曲 21:58:48 - 22:00:00 (0:01:12) 気まぐれももんが [Luina Guild 4] (21) 20:00:00 - 20:02:45 (0:02:45) Gravity Anomaly 20:02:45 - 20:05:13 (0:02:28) 鷹の団 20:05:13 - 20:07:42 (0:02:29) ひま親衛隊♪ 20:07:42 - 20:10:17 (0:02:35) 鷹の団 20:10:17 - 20:12:26 (0:02:09) Gravity Anomaly 20:12:26 - 20:15:01 (0:02:35) 鷹の団 20:15:01 - 20:16:56 (0:01:55) ひま親衛隊♪ 20:16:56 - 20:19:18 (0:02:22) へっぽこ。 20:19:18 - 20:20:58 (0:01:40) ひま親衛隊♪ 20:20:58 - 20:23:04 (0:02:06) Shining Loads 20:23:04 - 20:25:05 (0:02:01) ひま親衛隊♪ 20:25:05 - 20:27:13 (0:02:08) Shining Loads 20:27:13 - 20:28:46 (0:01:33) ひま親衛隊♪ 20:28:46 - 20:30:25 (0:01:39) 鷹の団 20:30:25 - 20:32:33 (0:02:08) Gravity Anomaly 20:32:33 - 20:34:23 (0:01:50) 鷹の団 20:34:23 - 20:36:14 (0:01:51) ひま親衛隊♪ 20:36:14 - 20:40:46 (0:04:32) 鷹の団 20:40:46 - 20:47:12 (0:06:26) 王牙 20:47:12 - 20:50:37 (0:03:25) Force of Will 20:50:37 - 21:06:05 (0:15:28) ふぁげ親衛隊♪ 21:06:05 - 22:00:00 (0:53:55) 犬の瞳 [Luina Guild 5] (10) 20:00:00 - 20:30:32 (0:30:32) ミラージュ・ナイト 20:30:32 - 20:35:05 (0:04:33) RecklessHorseTradition 20:35:05 - 20:42:37 (0:07:32) StarOcean 20:42:37 - 20:45:53 (0:03:16) The great disaster 20:45:53 - 20:49:09 (0:03:16) 虹色のかけら 20:49:09 - 21:06:49 (0:17:40) 百華繚乱 21:06:49 - 21:11:25 (0:04:36) RecklessHorseTradition 21:11:25 - 21:14:35 (0:03:10) Mixture 21:14:35 - 21:17:50 (0:03:15) 百華繚乱 21:17:50 - 21:55:35 (0:37:45) RecklessHorseTradition 21:55:35 - 22:00:00 (0:04:25) 百華繚乱 [*SERENDIPITY*ForYou] (1) 20:33:10 - 20:34:50 (0:01:40) Valkyrie Realms 4 [- Absolute Braver -] (1) 21:17:43 - 21:19:38 (0:01:55) Valkyrie Realms 4 [-Barうみのさる-] (1) 20:53:17 - 21:03:11 (0:09:54) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [-shattered skies-] (8) 20:08:35 - 20:17:57 (0:09:22) Luina Guild 1 20:32:29 - 20:34:36 (0:02:07) Luina Guild 1 20:51:39 - 20:54:05 (0:02:26) Luina Guild 1 21:01:40 - 21:04:14 (0:02:34) Luina Guild 1 21:17:03 - 21:19:41 (0:02:38) Luina Guild 1 21:21:39 - 21:24:13 (0:02:34) Luina Guild 1 21:46:05 - 21:48:15 (0:02:10) Luina Guild 1 21:50:43 - 21:53:36 (0:02:53) Luina Guild 1 [Ambition Waltz] (3) 20:24:07 - 20:41:49 (0:17:42) Luina Guild 3 20:46:19 - 20:55:23 (0:09:04) Luina Guild 3 21:36:43 - 21:43:40 (0:06:57) Britoniah Guild 3 [AnEternalTrip] (7) 20:19:27 - 20:21:25 (0:01:58) Valkyrie Realms 5 20:47:29 - 20:49:44 (0:02:15) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:56:35 - 21:00:14 (0:03:39) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:04:39 - 21:07:18 (0:02:39) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:09:30 - 21:11:37 (0:02:07) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:13:17 - 21:16:04 (0:02:47) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:35:40 - 21:37:58 (0:02:18) Valkyrie Realms 2 [BeastNumber] (3) 20:33:08 - 20:36:10 (0:03:02) Valkyrie Realms 2 20:47:15 - 20:49:29 (0:02:14) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:50:05 - 21:52:19 (0:02:14) Valkyrie Realms 2 [Bless of Heart] (1) 20:23:26 - 20:25:12 (0:01:46) Valkyrie Realms 4 [Blood of destiny] (1) 20:44:27 - 20:46:19 (0:01:52) Luina Guild 3 [Blue=Spell] (1) 20:47:39 - 20:49:51 (0:02:12) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [BraveStar] (2) 20:00:00 - 20:07:48 (0:07:48) Valkyrie Realms 5 20:15:38 - 20:19:27 (0:03:49) Valkyrie Realms 5 20:37:27 - 21:17:09 (0:39:42) Luina Guild 2 [Brilliant World] (4) 20:02:05 - 20:13:34 (0:11:29) Britoniah Guild 5 20:16:49 - 20:26:33 (0:09:44) Britoniah Guild 5 20:21:40 - 20:23:26 (0:01:46) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:49:51 - 20:52:55 (0:03:04) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [Chronicle] (4) 20:00:00 - 20:08:35 (0:08:35) Luina Guild 1 20:16:35 - 20:21:05 (0:04:30) Luina Guild 3 21:29:40 - 21:35:40 (0:06:00) Luina Guild 2 21:48:15 - 21:50:43 (0:02:28) Luina Guild 1 21:53:02 - 21:56:14 (0:03:12) Luina Guild 3 [Concerto] (1) 20:19:44 - 20:34:36 (0:14:52) Britoniah Guild 1 [Crimson.Hellkite] (1) 21:33:02 - 21:35:39 (0:02:37) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [Curtain_Call] (8) 20:21:35 - 20:24:17 (0:02:42) Luina Guild 1 20:24:46 - 20:28:06 (0:03:20) Valkyrie Realms 5 21:01:49 - 21:03:47 (0:01:58) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:06:39 - 21:08:21 (0:01:42) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:28:48 - 21:30:49 (0:02:01) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:32:58 - 21:35:14 (0:02:16) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:39:17 - 21:41:53 (0:02:36) Valkyrie Realms 5 21:55:38 - 22:00:00 (0:04:22) Valkyrie Realms 5 [DEAD OR ALIVE] (1) 21:35:40 - 22:00:00 (0:24:20) Luina Guild 2 [Darkness Spirits] (5) 20:00:00 - 20:01:51 (0:01:51) Luina Guild 3 20:05:48 - 20:08:07 (0:02:19) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:10:43 - 20:13:01 (0:02:18) Valkyrie Realms 5 20:15:13 - 20:16:44 (0:01:31) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:28:15 - 20:33:08 (0:04:53) Valkyrie Realms 2 20:55:23 - 20:58:09 (0:02:46) Luina Guild 3 [DeepBlue-EYES] (2) 20:52:55 - 20:54:37 (0:01:42) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:58:31 - 22:00:00 (0:01:29) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [Destiny] (1) 20:50:58 - 21:14:58 (0:24:00) Chung-Rim Guild 1 [Devil & Angel] (2) 20:54:05 - 20:56:27 (0:02:22) Luina Guild 1 21:32:16 - 21:41:02 (0:08:46) Luina Guild 3 [EdelRitter] (1) 20:00:00 - 20:04:04 (0:04:04) Luina Guild 2 20:21:05 - 20:24:07 (0:03:02) Luina Guild 3 [Enemy of the world] (6) 20:36:31 - 20:38:08 (0:01:37) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:51:16 - 20:52:51 (0:01:35) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:59:44 - 21:01:19 (0:01:35) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:04:53 - 21:06:44 (0:01:51) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:10:32 - 21:12:22 (0:01:50) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:34:46 - 21:36:34 (0:01:48) Valkyrie Realms 4 [Eternal Milky Way] (1) 21:28:17 - 21:36:22 (0:08:05) Britoniah Guild 5 [Folkvangr] (1) 20:00:00 - 20:02:27 (0:02:27) Britoniah Guild 3 21:27:24 - 21:29:40 (0:02:16) Luina Guild 2 [Force of Will] (3) 20:03:02 - 20:07:15 (0:04:13) Chung-Rim Guild 5 20:10:52 - 20:13:47 (0:02:55) Chung-Rim Guild 5 20:47:12 - 20:50:37 (0:03:25) Luina Guild 4 [Fraternity] (1) 21:55:19 - 22:00:00 (0:04:41) Britoniah Guild 1 [GerechtErde] (1) 21:41:46 - 21:56:37 (0:14:51) Britoniah Guild 5 [GrandCanyon.] (2) 20:00:00 - 20:47:24 (0:47:24) Chung-Rim Guild 1 21:14:58 - 21:27:25 (0:12:27) Chung-Rim Guild 1 21:36:47 - 22:00:00 (0:23:13) Chung-Rim Guild 1 [Gravity Anomaly] (4) 20:00:00 - 20:02:45 (0:02:45) Luina Guild 4 20:10:17 - 20:12:26 (0:02:09) Luina Guild 4 20:30:25 - 20:32:33 (0:02:08) Luina Guild 4 20:52:22 - 21:07:52 (0:15:30) Britoniah Guild 4 21:20:31 - 22:00:00 (0:39:29) Britoniah Guild 4 [Grenze] (1) 21:30:49 - 21:33:02 (0:02:13) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [Hasta la vista、baby] (3) 20:46:08 - 20:49:36 (0:03:28) Luina Guild 1 21:30:39 - 21:32:47 (0:02:08) Luina Guild 1 21:43:39 - 21:46:05 (0:02:26) Luina Guild 1 [InTheWonderLand] (2) 20:00:00 - 20:12:58 (0:12:58) Chung-Rim Guild 2 20:12:45 - 20:32:23 (0:19:38) Britoniah Guild 2 20:37:02 - 22:00:00 (1:22:58) Britoniah Guild 2 [Jelly Wing] (2) 20:07:48 - 20:10:43 (0:02:55) Valkyrie Realms 5 21:02:29 - 21:33:20 (0:30:51) Valkyrie Realms 5 [JudasPain] (1) 21:40:42 - 21:42:17 (0:01:35) Valkyrie Realms 4 [La Vie en Rose] (4) 20:19:36 - 20:21:38 (0:02:02) Britoniah Guild 3 20:49:29 - 20:51:54 (0:02:25) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:12:37 - 21:15:00 (0:02:23) Luina Guild 1 21:41:02 - 21:43:11 (0:02:09) Valkyrie Realms 2 [Landover] (2) 20:56:27 - 20:58:48 (0:02:21) Luina Guild 1 21:10:28 - 21:12:37 (0:02:09) Luina Guild 1 [Leaves of Grass] (2) 20:36:10 - 20:39:09 (0:02:59) Valkyrie Realms 2 20:42:22 - 20:44:30 (0:02:08) Valkyrie Realms 2 [Lumie're] (1) 21:32:47 - 21:43:39 (0:10:52) Luina Guild 1 [L’Espoir] (1) 20:00:00 - 20:19:44 (0:19:44) Britoniah Guild 4 21:37:44 - 21:55:19 (0:17:35) Britoniah Guild 1 [MANIAC] (4) 20:34:27 - 20:46:12 (0:11:45) Valkyrie Realms 5 20:57:19 - 21:02:29 (0:05:10) Valkyrie Realms 5 21:33:20 - 21:39:17 (0:05:57) Valkyrie Realms 5 21:48:54 - 21:50:46 (0:01:52) Britoniah Guild 3 [MELTY BLOOD] (0) 20:00:00 - 20:04:51 (0:04:51) Valkyrie Realms 1 [MORE DEEP] (1) 20:13:34 - 20:16:49 (0:03:15) Britoniah Guild 5 [Mixture] (6) 20:19:44 - 20:23:02 (0:03:18) Britoniah Guild 4 20:32:23 - 20:37:02 (0:04:39) Britoniah Guild 2 20:49:36 - 20:51:39 (0:02:03) Luina Guild 1 20:58:09 - 21:09:37 (0:11:28) Luina Guild 3 21:11:25 - 21:14:35 (0:03:10) Luina Guild 5 21:21:42 - 21:24:36 (0:02:54) Britoniah Guild 1 [Moon Crisis] (1) 20:40:46 - 20:53:17 (0:12:31) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [Moon☆Crystal] (0) 20:00:00 - 20:02:05 (0:02:05) Britoniah Guild 1 [Oh!_great] (3) 20:35:48 - 20:38:18 (0:02:30) Chung-Rim Guild 2 21:05:54 - 21:09:31 (0:03:37) Chung-Rim Guild 2 21:20:08 - 21:25:22 (0:05:14) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [OperationDesertStorm] (1) 21:27:56 - 21:30:49 (0:02:53) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [OptimizeProject] (1) 20:13:14 - 20:15:13 (0:01:59) Valkyrie Realms 4 [ROOT] (1) 21:36:34 - 21:38:22 (0:01:48) Valkyrie Realms 4 [RecklessHorseTradition] (3) 20:30:32 - 20:35:05 (0:04:33) Luina Guild 5 21:06:49 - 21:11:25 (0:04:36) Luina Guild 5 21:17:50 - 21:55:35 (0:37:45) Luina Guild 5 [Resistance] (3) 21:16:04 - 21:18:01 (0:01:57) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:20:29 - 21:22:21 (0:01:52) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:29:43 - 21:31:37 (0:01:54) Valkyrie Realms 2 [Sacred-Hunters] (4) 20:13:01 - 20:15:38 (0:02:37) Valkyrie Realms 5 20:21:25 - 20:24:46 (0:03:21) Valkyrie Realms 5 20:28:06 - 20:34:27 (0:06:21) Valkyrie Realms 5 20:46:12 - 20:57:19 (0:11:07) Valkyrie Realms 5 [Save the WorLD] (1) 20:54:41 - 20:56:09 (0:01:28) Valkyrie Realms 4 [Shining Loads] (2) 20:20:58 - 20:23:04 (0:02:06) Luina Guild 4 20:25:05 - 20:27:13 (0:02:08) Luina Guild 4 [Shooting☆Star] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) Chung-Rim Guild 3 [Sing a Song] (1) 21:50:08 - 21:53:00 (0:02:52) Valkyrie Realms 5 [Snow Drop] (1) 21:42:17 - 21:45:02 (0:02:45) Valkyrie Realms 4 [Snow Heart] (1) 20:24:33 - 20:27:24 (0:02:51) Valkyrie Realms 1 [Soul Steal With LoV] (1) 20:42:04 - 20:45:24 (0:03:20) Valkyrie Realms 1 [Sourire d'Ange 3rd] (1) 21:17:09 - 21:20:04 (0:02:55) Luina Guild 2 [StarOcean] (1) 20:35:05 - 20:42:37 (0:07:32) Luina Guild 5 [StarsEnd] (1) 20:22:59 - 20:24:40 (0:01:41) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [Star☆Planets] (1) 21:53:36 - 21:56:23 (0:02:47) Luina Guild 1 [Synthetic] (1) 20:04:15 - 20:07:18 (0:03:03) Britoniah Guild 1 [Tears] (1) 20:50:39 - 20:52:18 (0:01:39) Britoniah Guild 3 [The great disaster] (1) 20:42:37 - 20:45:53 (0:03:16) Luina Guild 5 [WHEREVER] (3) 20:09:10 - 20:12:07 (0:02:57) Britoniah Guild 3 21:10:23 - 21:13:47 (0:03:24) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:27:25 - 21:32:50 (0:05:25) Chung-Rim Guild 1 [Wandering-Dolphins] (2) 21:44:26 - 21:46:57 (0:02:31) Chung-Rim Guild 2 21:52:42 - 21:55:03 (0:02:21) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [Wind of Eternity] (1) 21:57:43 - 22:00:00 (0:02:17) Britoniah Guild 3 [Wing of Tranquility] (2) 20:11:46 - 20:13:14 (0:01:28) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:52:51 - 20:54:41 (0:01:50) Valkyrie Realms 4 [Y.E.N.] (1) 20:14:51 - 20:16:32 (0:01:41) Britoniah Guild 3 [[平成よっぱらい研究所]] (1) 21:20:06 - 21:21:51 (0:01:45) Britoniah Guild 3 [ain't afraid to die] (1) 20:28:54 - 20:33:04 (0:04:10) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [moonless night] (2) 20:13:14 - 20:15:15 (0:02:01) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:38:08 - 20:45:20 (0:07:12) Valkyrie Realms 4 [rebellion] (6) 20:39:09 - 20:42:22 (0:03:13) Valkyrie Realms 2 20:51:54 - 20:54:16 (0:02:22) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:00:14 - 21:02:24 (0:02:10) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:24:30 - 21:26:53 (0:02:23) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:37:58 - 21:41:02 (0:03:04) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:43:11 - 21:45:14 (0:02:03) Valkyrie Realms 2 [resolution of soul] (3) 20:58:10 - 20:59:44 (0:01:34) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:25:22 - 21:27:56 (0:02:34) Chung-Rim Guild 2 21:46:57 - 21:49:18 (0:02:21) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [tears for bloody solid] (1) 20:48:10 - 20:50:39 (0:02:29) Britoniah Guild 3 [ルルさんのチャット邪魔くさ] (1) 20:03:56 - 20:05:33 (0:01:37) Valkyrie Realms 4 [〜風雅〜] (1) 21:30:49 - 21:32:58 (0:02:09) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [〜兵どもが夢の後〜] (2) 20:17:57 - 20:21:35 (0:03:38) Luina Guild 1 20:45:24 - 20:47:29 (0:02:05) Valkyrie Realms 1 [【悪・即・斬】第二支部] (1) 20:12:58 - 20:21:28 (0:08:30) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [£Fantastic World£] (2) 20:49:44 - 21:03:38 (0:13:54) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:20:17 - 22:00:00 (0:39:43) Valkyrie Realms 1 [@。@v] (6) 20:24:17 - 20:26:59 (0:02:42) Luina Guild 1 20:34:36 - 20:37:16 (0:02:40) Luina Guild 1 20:58:48 - 21:01:40 (0:02:52) Luina Guild 1 21:04:14 - 21:07:35 (0:03:21) Luina Guild 1 21:15:00 - 21:17:03 (0:02:03) Luina Guild 1 21:24:13 - 21:27:01 (0:02:48) Luina Guild 1 [☆Snow-Crystal☆] (1) 21:21:51 - 21:36:43 (0:14:52) Britoniah Guild 3 [☆sugar_kiss☆] (1) 20:08:29 - 20:10:03 (0:01:34) Valkyrie Realms 4 [☆RO雑技団第2支部☆] (4) 20:08:07 - 20:19:46 (0:11:39) Valkyrie Realms 3 21:06:55 - 21:18:24 (0:11:29) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:45:14 - 21:48:16 (0:03:02) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:52:19 - 22:00:00 (0:07:41) Valkyrie Realms 2 [☆ろまんちすとたぬき☆] (4) 21:02:24 - 21:04:39 (0:02:15) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:18:01 - 21:20:29 (0:02:28) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:22:21 - 21:24:30 (0:02:09) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:33:42 - 21:35:40 (0:01:58) Valkyrie Realms 2 [☆わんにゃんふぁーむ☆] (1) 21:09:31 - 21:16:31 (0:07:00) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [☆伊豆雑技団☆] (1) 21:46:22 - 21:50:12 (0:03:50) Luina Guild 3 [∋Little Crusade∈] (2) 20:16:32 - 20:19:36 (0:03:04) Britoniah Guild 3 21:43:40 - 21:46:38 (0:02:58) Britoniah Guild 3 [∋Midnight Angel∈] (3) 20:23:47 - 20:48:10 (0:24:23) Britoniah Guild 3 20:52:18 - 21:05:31 (0:13:13) Britoniah Guild 3 21:50:46 - 21:54:08 (0:03:22) Britoniah Guild 3 [† CRIMSON †] (1) 20:17:06 - 20:19:14 (0:02:08) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [†AvantжGarde†] (1) 20:00:00 - 20:05:48 (0:05:48) Valkyrie Realms 3 20:19:46 - 22:00:00 (1:40:14) Valkyrie Realms 3 [†Cromm Cruaich†] (0) 20:00:00 - 22:00:00 (2:00:00) Chung-Rim Guild 4 [†Night-Яaven†] (2) 20:13:47 - 20:17:06 (0:03:19) Chung-Rim Guild 5 20:45:38 - 20:47:39 (0:02:01) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [1$] (1) 20:00:00 - 20:02:05 (0:02:05) Britoniah Guild 5 21:17:16 - 21:20:06 (0:02:50) Britoniah Guild 3 [あなたを殺し隊] (5) 20:04:51 - 20:09:04 (0:04:13) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:15:15 - 20:22:35 (0:07:20) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:29:00 - 20:38:29 (0:09:29) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:03:38 - 21:06:55 (0:03:17) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:27:23 - 21:34:46 (0:07:23) Valkyrie Realms 4 [かににっぱHEY!] (1) 21:56:23 - 21:59:15 (0:02:52) Luina Guild 1 [かもねぎ] (2) 21:16:31 - 21:20:08 (0:03:37) Chung-Rim Guild 2 21:35:14 - 21:49:34 (0:14:20) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [くじびきアンバランス] (1) 21:09:37 - 21:25:50 (0:16:13) Luina Guild 3 [くろねこさんち〜む★] (2) 20:38:29 - 20:40:17 (0:01:48) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:31:37 - 21:33:42 (0:02:05) Valkyrie Realms 2 [しにがみのかま] (3) 20:00:00 - 20:04:19 (0:04:19) Valkyrie Realms 2 20:12:39 - 20:23:12 (0:10:33) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:41:53 - 21:46:32 (0:04:39) Valkyrie Realms 5 21:53:00 - 21:55:38 (0:02:38) Valkyrie Realms 5 [のび太の物は俺の物!!] (4) 20:22:35 - 20:24:33 (0:01:58) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:34:16 - 20:37:27 (0:03:11) Luina Guild 2 21:32:50 - 21:36:47 (0:03:57) Chung-Rim Guild 1 21:49:34 - 21:58:31 (0:08:57) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [ひま親衛隊♪] (6) 20:05:13 - 20:07:42 (0:02:29) Luina Guild 4 20:15:01 - 20:16:56 (0:01:55) Luina Guild 4 20:19:18 - 20:20:58 (0:01:40) Luina Guild 4 20:23:04 - 20:25:05 (0:02:01) Luina Guild 4 20:27:13 - 20:28:46 (0:01:33) Luina Guild 4 20:34:23 - 20:36:14 (0:01:51) Luina Guild 4 [ふぁげ親衛隊♪] (4) 20:02:05 - 20:04:15 (0:02:10) Britoniah Guild 1 20:07:18 - 20:19:44 (0:12:26) Britoniah Guild 1 20:40:32 - 20:43:40 (0:03:08) Luina Guild 1 20:50:37 - 21:06:05 (0:15:28) Luina Guild 4 [へっぽこ。] (2) 20:16:56 - 20:19:18 (0:02:22) Luina Guild 4 21:59:15 - 22:00:00 (0:00:45) Luina Guild 1 [ぼくらは虚空に夜を視る] (1) 20:47:24 - 20:50:58 (0:03:34) Chung-Rim Guild 1 [ぽすぴぃ(゚ロ゚;)エエッ!?] (2) 20:02:27 - 20:09:10 (0:06:43) Britoniah Guild 3 20:12:07 - 20:14:51 (0:02:44) Britoniah Guild 3 [やきそばパンダ] (1) 20:33:50 - 20:35:51 (0:02:01) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [エターナルスフィア] (1) 20:44:30 - 20:47:15 (0:02:45) Valkyrie Realms 2 [エトランゼ] (1) 20:54:16 - 20:56:35 (0:02:19) Valkyrie Realms 2 [キャラバン] (1) 21:19:38 - 21:21:34 (0:01:56) Valkyrie Realms 4 [クロスファイア] (1) 20:19:14 - 20:22:59 (0:03:45) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [マゾなのは] (3) 20:04:04 - 20:34:16 (0:30:12) Luina Guild 2 21:20:04 - 21:24:20 (0:04:16) Luina Guild 2 21:41:02 - 21:46:22 (0:05:20) Luina Guild 3 [ミッドガルド騎兵団] (1) 20:26:59 - 20:29:26 (0:02:27) Luina Guild 1 [ミラージュ・ナイト] (1) 20:00:00 - 20:30:32 (0:30:32) Luina Guild 5 21:24:36 - 21:37:44 (0:13:08) Britoniah Guild 1 [レアハンターLydia本部] (1) 21:26:53 - 21:29:43 (0:02:50) Valkyrie Realms 2 [η犬パラダイス] (4) 20:24:40 - 20:30:18 (0:05:38) Chung-Rim Guild 5 20:35:51 - 20:42:37 (0:06:46) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:03:47 - 21:06:39 (0:02:52) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:21:38 - 21:24:37 (0:02:59) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [ТяаисЁ] (1) 20:00:00 - 20:12:45 (0:12:45) Britoniah Guild 2 21:56:37 - 22:00:00 (0:03:23) Britoniah Guild 5 [Яё∀└] (3) 20:30:18 - 20:33:50 (0:03:32) Chung-Rim Guild 5 20:42:37 - 20:45:38 (0:03:01) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:24:37 - 21:27:05 (0:02:28) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [暗行御史] (3) 20:38:18 - 20:40:46 (0:02:28) Chung-Rim Guild 2 21:03:11 - 21:05:54 (0:02:43) Chung-Rim Guild 2 21:49:18 - 21:52:42 (0:03:24) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [暗殺組織☆兎] (4) 20:07:15 - 20:10:52 (0:03:37) Chung-Rim Guild 5 20:25:23 - 20:28:54 (0:03:31) Chung-Rim Guild 2 21:42:07 - 21:44:26 (0:02:19) Chung-Rim Guild 2 21:55:03 - 21:58:01 (0:02:58) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [暗導学園 上級科] (1) 21:01:19 - 21:03:22 (0:02:03) Valkyrie Realms 4 [引退までのクホロード] (1) 20:45:20 - 20:46:55 (0:01:35) Valkyrie Realms 4 [永遠を駆ける一瞬の僕ら] (2) 21:13:47 - 21:15:50 (0:02:03) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:17:40 - 21:19:29 (0:01:49) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [炎の蜃気楼] (2) 20:26:33 - 21:28:17 (1:01:44) Britoniah Guild 5 21:38:12 - 21:41:46 (0:03:34) Britoniah Guild 5 [王牙] (1) 20:40:46 - 20:47:12 (0:06:26) Luina Guild 4 [奇跡を呼ぶ狂想曲] (1) 21:56:14 - 21:58:48 (0:02:34) Luina Guild 3 [気まぐれももんが] (4) 20:00:00 - 20:01:40 (0:01:40) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:09:04 - 20:10:51 (0:01:47) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:23:12 - 20:26:18 (0:03:06) Valkyrie Realms 2 21:27:01 - 21:30:39 (0:03:38) Luina Guild 1 21:58:48 - 22:00:00 (0:01:12) Luina Guild 3 [久遠の絆] (1) 20:46:55 - 20:48:31 (0:01:36) Valkyrie Realms 4 [月食-a lunar eclipse-] (2) 21:53:21 - 21:55:36 (0:02:15) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:57:46 - 22:00:00 (0:02:14) Valkyrie Realms 4 [月夜の旅〜日帰り〜] (2) 20:48:31 - 20:51:16 (0:02:45) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:45:02 - 21:46:46 (0:01:44) Valkyrie Realms 4 [犬の瞳] (1) 21:06:05 - 22:00:00 (0:53:55) Luina Guild 4 [孤高の闘士たち] (6) 20:25:12 - 20:26:33 (0:01:21) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:28:17 - 20:29:56 (0:01:39) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:31:43 - 20:33:10 (0:01:27) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:03:22 - 21:04:53 (0:01:31) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:14:31 - 21:16:03 (0:01:32) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:46:46 - 21:49:14 (0:02:28) Valkyrie Realms 4 [光神聖騎士団] (1) 20:21:28 - 20:25:23 (0:03:55) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [紅の酢豚] (2) 20:23:02 - 20:52:22 (0:29:20) Britoniah Guild 4 21:07:52 - 21:20:31 (0:12:39) Britoniah Guild 4 [紅の蝶] (1) 20:33:04 - 20:35:48 (0:02:44) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [今宵も映える月] (2) 21:07:35 - 21:10:28 (0:02:53) Luina Guild 1 21:19:41 - 21:21:39 (0:01:58) Luina Guild 1 [始まる世界] (1) 20:01:40 - 20:03:56 (0:02:16) Valkyrie Realms 4 [時の回廊] (1) 21:55:36 - 21:57:46 (0:02:10) Valkyrie Realms 4 [珠ちゃん誤爆記録委員会] (1) 21:11:37 - 21:13:17 (0:01:40) Valkyrie Realms 2 [床下盗賊団] (2) 20:29:26 - 20:32:29 (0:03:03) Luina Guild 1 20:43:40 - 20:46:08 (0:02:28) Luina Guild 1 [上善如水] (1) 21:46:32 - 21:50:08 (0:03:36) Valkyrie Realms 5 [新生祝い隊] (7) 20:05:33 - 20:06:58 (0:01:25) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:10:03 - 20:11:46 (0:01:43) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:29:56 - 20:31:43 (0:01:47) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:56:09 - 20:58:10 (0:02:01) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:12:22 - 21:14:31 (0:02:09) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:25:27 - 21:27:23 (0:01:56) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:51:12 - 21:53:21 (0:02:09) Valkyrie Realms 4 [生命の輝き] (1) 20:26:18 - 20:28:15 (0:01:57) Valkyrie Realms 2 [雪の華] (2) 20:54:37 - 21:01:49 (0:07:12) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:46:38 - 21:48:54 (0:02:16) Britoniah Guild 3 [雪降る街の夜想曲] (1) 21:07:18 - 21:09:30 (0:02:12) Valkyrie Realms 2 [鷹の団] (7) 20:00:00 - 20:03:02 (0:03:02) Chung-Rim Guild 5 20:02:45 - 20:05:13 (0:02:28) Luina Guild 4 20:07:42 - 20:10:17 (0:02:35) Luina Guild 4 20:12:26 - 20:15:01 (0:02:35) Luina Guild 4 20:28:46 - 20:30:25 (0:01:39) Luina Guild 4 20:32:33 - 20:34:23 (0:01:50) Luina Guild 4 20:36:14 - 20:40:46 (0:04:32) Luina Guild 4 21:54:08 - 21:57:43 (0:03:35) Britoniah Guild 3 [鍛冶屋の馬鹿] (1) 21:08:21 - 21:10:23 (0:02:02) Chung-Rim Guild 5 [鍛冶屋の馬鹿力!!!] (3) 20:27:24 - 20:29:00 (0:01:36) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:18:24 - 21:20:17 (0:01:53) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:36:22 - 21:38:12 (0:01:50) Britoniah Guild 5 [珍走☆天使] (2) 20:41:49 - 20:44:27 (0:02:38) Luina Guild 3 21:24:20 - 21:27:24 (0:03:04) Luina Guild 2 [天に輝く青い星] (2) 20:20:03 - 20:21:40 (0:01:37) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:23:32 - 21:25:27 (0:01:55) Valkyrie Realms 4 [天使か悪魔か] (1) 21:08:32 - 21:10:32 (0:02:00) Valkyrie Realms 4 [天野瘋癲醫院] (2) 21:21:34 - 21:23:32 (0:01:58) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:49:14 - 21:51:12 (0:01:58) Valkyrie Realms 4 [電波工場] (3) 20:10:51 - 20:13:14 (0:02:23) Valkyrie Realms 1 20:40:17 - 20:42:04 (0:01:47) Valkyrie Realms 1 21:48:16 - 21:50:05 (0:01:49) Valkyrie Realms 2 [虹色のかけら] (4) 20:37:16 - 20:40:32 (0:03:16) Luina Guild 1 20:45:53 - 20:49:09 (0:03:16) Luina Guild 5 21:25:50 - 21:32:16 (0:06:26) Luina Guild 3 21:50:12 - 21:53:02 (0:02:50) Luina Guild 3 [波乗りエスケ〜プ] (1) 21:38:19 - 21:42:07 (0:03:48) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [百華繚乱] (4) 20:01:51 - 20:16:35 (0:14:44) Luina Guild 3 20:49:09 - 21:06:49 (0:17:40) Luina Guild 5 21:14:35 - 21:17:50 (0:03:15) Luina Guild 5 21:55:35 - 22:00:00 (0:04:25) Luina Guild 5 [風の聖痕] (6) 20:16:44 - 20:18:04 (0:01:20) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:15:50 - 21:17:40 (0:01:50) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:19:29 - 21:21:38 (0:02:09) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:27:05 - 21:28:48 (0:01:43) Chung-Rim Guild 5 21:35:39 - 21:38:19 (0:02:40) Chung-Rim Guild 2 21:58:01 - 22:00:00 (0:01:59) Chung-Rim Guild 2 [明日の微笑みのために] (1) 21:05:31 - 21:17:16 (0:11:45) Britoniah Guild 3 [輪廻] (1) 20:34:50 - 20:36:31 (0:01:41) Valkyrie Realms 4 [冷吟閑酔] (6) 20:06:58 - 20:08:29 (0:01:31) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:18:04 - 20:20:03 (0:01:59) Valkyrie Realms 4 20:26:33 - 20:28:17 (0:01:44) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:06:44 - 21:08:32 (0:01:48) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:16:03 - 21:17:43 (0:01:40) Valkyrie Realms 4 21:38:22 - 21:40:42 (0:02:20) Valkyrie Realms 4 [和 〜なごみ〜] (1) 20:34:36 - 21:21:42 (0:47:06) Britoniah Guild 1 [殲姫師団] (1) 20:04:19 - 20:12:39 (0:08:20) Valkyrie Realms 2 [苺たると☆] (1) 20:21:38 - 20:23:47 (0:02:09) Britoniah Guild 3